Legal notice


Adrian Fahrbach
Filderstraße 71/1
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen


Liability for own content

We are responsible for our own content that we make available for use in accordance with the general laws. We assume no guarantee or responsibility for the completeness, editorial and technical errors, omissions, etc. or the accuracy of the information contained on this website.

Liability for content on third-party websites

Links to third-party websites are provided for your information only. The responsibility for this third-party content lies solely with the provider who makes this content available on the linked website. The internet offers of third parties have been checked before the corresponding link was set up.

However, we assume no liability for the completeness and accuracy of the information behind a reference or link; in particular, the content of these websites may be changed at any time without our knowledge. If we become aware of any legal infringements on pages to which we have placed a link on our website, we will remove this link immediately.

Changes to the information provided

We reserve the right to change, supplement or remove the information provided without prior notice. Translated